O titular da Ferrari, no entanto, acredita que o novo bicampeão ainda tem muito para mostrar. Questionado pelo diário espanhol ‘Sport’ sobre a declaração do ex-piloto de testes da McLaren, Alonso afirmou: “Nós vimos dois fazerem isso, o terceiro ainda está para ser visto.”
“Nós vamos ver quando ele tiver um carro bom o bastante para ser sexto e conseguir ser segundo, terceiro ou quarto. Até agora nós só o vimos em um carro que pode vencer o campeonato com cinco provas de antecedência”, ponderou. “Estão temos que esperar”, afirmou.
Ainda, o espanhol afirmou que a Ferrari aprendeu ao longo do ano como desenvolver tão rapidamente quanto a equipe de Woking.
“McLaren é um bom exemplo de um time que pode começar o ano com algum problema e resolvê-lo em duas corridas”, destacou. “Pat Fry trouxe novas ideias, novos métodos e eu não tenho a menor dúvida de que a Ferrari é muito melhor hoje do que era um ano atrás”, encerrou.
Fonte: Warm Up
2 comentários:
Mindgames, every one plays this age old trick, at many races the Mclaren were quicker than the redbulls and yet its always vettel who bring home the win by hook or cook.
A bit poor of Alonso to say Shamilton can do what he can in bad car. Never not one race in the fabricated career of this British whiner has it delivered a win without the fastest car by any standard. Seems like there is truth to tales of Mclaren having a legal agreement were he cant slate shamilton for what he really is, a pile of over rated junk. Not to mentioned blown away by clear number 2 driver Jensen Button. Oh the shame.
We know Alonso's true feelings from 2007, so this is just pure nonsense. And this is coming from an Alonso admirer.
I can sense he is beginning to feel Vettel's coming of age is a sign of his own reign as the top driver effectively coming to end. But that's life, you can't always remain at the top. Its the nature of the sport.
Oh wait! This is utter BS from anyone even suggesting this, Vettel won in a Torro Rosso in 2008 at Monza. That was the 6th fastest car that season. Of course he won in the wets. Because in such a car you can only make the difference in the wets.
Neiher Alonso nor anyone else has managed that feat in a car of that class.
I have to say this reeks of jealousy unfortunately and it shows poorly on Alonso. Disappointing.
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